Tips & How-Tos

Checking Details of the Standard Configuration

Not every detail of the standard configuration can be documented in this manual, because at some point it would basically duplicate the *.rc files in English, and also run the risk of being out of date (i.e. wrong) very fast.

To understand every nook and cranny of the features added by the config sets that get installed if you follow Manual Turn-Key System Setup, look into the *.rc files and specifically read the comments in them.

The pyrocore files are in the ~/.pyroscope/rtorrent.d directory, and pimp-my-box ones in ~/rtorrent/rtorrent.d.

Remember that .rcignore files in those directories allow to selectively disable parts of the standard configuration, like so:

echo >>~/rtorrent/rtorrent.d/.rcignore "disable-control-q.rc"

For finding specifics on added commands or paths and such, grep is your friend, as in this example:

$ grep -C1 import.rc ~/.pyroscope/rtorrent.d/*.rc ~/rtorrent/rtorrent.d/*.rc ~/rtorrent/*rt*rc
rtorrent/rtorrent.rc-execute2 = (cat,(pyro.bin_dir),pyroadmin),-q,--create-import,(cat,(cfg.basedir),"rtorrent.d/*.rc")
rtorrent/rtorrent.rc:import = (cat,(cfg.basedir),"rtorrent.d/.import.rc")

Validate Self-Signed Certs

The following helps in case you want to use trackers with https announce URLs that still use self-signed certificates, instead of Let’s Encrypt like they should. Unless you disable certificate checks in the rTorrent configuration, you must add such certificates to your the system to make them valid.

This script does that via an easy command call, just pass it the tracker domain or URL:

cat >/usr/local/sbin/load-domain-certificate <<'EOF'
#! /bin/bash
if test -z "$1"; then
    echo "usage: $0 <domainname_or_url>"
    exit 1
DOMAINNAME=$(sed -re 's%^(https://)?([^/]+)(.*)$%\2%' <<<$1)
set -x
openssl s_client -servername ${DOMAINNAME} -connect ${DOMAINNAME}:443 </dev/null | tee /tmp/${DOMAINNAME}.crt
openssl x509 -inform PEM -in /tmp/${DOMAINNAME}.crt -text -out /usr/share/ca-certificates/${DOMAINNAME}.crt
grep ${DOMAINNAME}.crt /etc/ca-certificates.conf >/dev/null || echo ${DOMAINNAME}.crt >>/etc/ca-certificates.conf
ls -l /etc/ssl/certs | grep ${DOMAINNAME}
chmod a+x /usr/local/sbin/load-domain-certificate